Connections (the journal for GEOEC), as well as our digital newsletter, welcomes article submissions.
If interested in making a submissions for Connections please submit your publication by February 1, 2024. We are always accepting information (lesson plans, short stories and ideas) for our digital newsletter that is published quarterly.
Information relating to the following themes will be our focus:
Articles and information that helps facilitate curriculum development and implementation of Global, Environmental and/or Outdoor Education by educators.
All articles will undergo a blind peer review process before being accepted for publishing.
It is free to publish an article, and you will be sent a journal. Due to the council being volunteer-run, there is no reimbursement for writers.
Requirements for all articles:
Sent in as a Word Document or Googledoc;
Article Title;
Author(s) Bio (50 -100) including: Name(s), Institution(s), Title, and Areas of Interest;
Articles are usually from 500 - 1500 words; Newsletter information are usually 150-500 words;
References to literature made in the text of the submission must appear in a reference list at the end of the article (or give us a link and we will reference it for you);
Literature not cited in the text, but providing background material or suggestions for further reading, could be similarly listed. (Consider: What do you find helpful as further resources or ideas?);
Photos add a great deal to the article and are enjoyed by our readers. Photo permission forms need to be filled out for any recognizable person (any age). FOIP forms do NOT cover publishing in the journal (Please see the forms attached).
Photographs, line drawings, figures, and tables should be sent as separate JPG. Please do not embed it into the article. NOTE: by writing a note in the article you may indicate if you want a photo added to a specific area;
The article will be formatted for printing after editing. You do not have to pre-organize (such as the size of fonts, creating columns, or adding in photos);
A short caption and photo credit should accompany each photograph.